The initiatives in this sector include the promotion of social enterprises, support to cooperatives, interventions in favour of microfinance institutions and projects aimed at the provision of micro-credits that are realized through the granting of small loans to the so-called "not bankable", t.i. those who are not able to provide the traditional guarantees required by banks, in order to solve specific problems and punctual emergencies and/or to undertake and strengthen economic activities, able to elevate their living standards.
Countries of intervention
Start date 18/10/2021
state active
Microfinance and social economy
Pistoia ,Italia
Start date 02/10/2015
state over
Microfinance and social economy
Prato, Pistoia, Lucca e Massa Carrara ,Italia
Start date 19/09/2014
state over
Microfinance and social economy
Pistoia ,Italia
Start date 03/09/2012
state active
Microfinance and social economy
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